Feb 13, 2013

New Lights & Short Fuses

After I finished staining our new table (read part 1 and part 2) and put it in our kitchen I was in love with the way it looked.  But then there was just one problem- the chandelier.

The previous owner of the house had great taste, but her style was definitely more feminine and formal than ours.  So I knew the original chandelier had to go. For our replacement I turned to my usual source of inspiration, Pottery Barn.  I knew I wanted something like their Calhoun Glass Pendant:

Then I looked at my usual go-to sources for actually buying things: Overstock, Amazon, Target, Homegoods, Lowes, etc.  I was all set to buy this light from Lowes to save $31:
But then the Pottery Barn light went on sale! And I had a 15% off coupon! And I had some money left on a gift card!  Talk about a money-saving trifecta.

Bobby and I figured we could install it ourselves, even though we had literally zero experience.  But after a few YouTube videos you can become an expert at anything, right?  So a few videos, half a day, and many curse words later (by Bobby, not me.  I was good this time) our new light was installed:

Gorgeous right?  The three pendant lights above the peninsula got a makeover too, but that's a post for another day.  (And yes, this was taken around Christmas, hence the table decor). And I have big plans for those blue IKEA chairs.

You may be wondering about the title of this post.  Well just a little piece of advice: if your spouse agrees to install a light fixture for you and is having a hard time getting the wires connected correctly, leading to a lot of frustration, it's not a good time to make the following pun "Wow, you really have a short fuse today".  (HILARIOUS, right?) He was not amused.  I still laugh about it to this day.


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