Mar 26, 2013

Recipe Round-Up, March 2013

So far this blog has been all home renovation and not much else.  But in addition to painting and decorating, I love to cook in my free time. Bobby and I take turns cooking dinner most nights of the week. I recently added all my favorite recipes to a Google Drive folder, which makes organizing and accessing them much easier.  (Let me know if you'd like me to share the folder with you!)

Pinterest has definitely helped me expand my cooking and baking horizons, so I wanted to share a few of our recent favorites!

Asian Slaw with Peanut Ginger Dressing from Once Upon a Chef: I brought this to a work potluck (or pitch-in, as people in Indiana say), and it was a huge hit. It's colorful, full of flavor and texture, and a great way to eat your veggies.  I used one bag of coleslaw and one bag of shredded carrots and it made a very large batch. Add some grilled chicken or shrimp and you have yourself a substantial meal.

Crock Pot Pumpkin Turkey Chili from Skinny Taste: I love pumpkin and I love using my crockpot, so this is a match made in heaven.  The pumpkin flavor is subtle, but a great new take on chili.  We've made it with turkey and chicken, and both are good.  (Tip: Aldi carries canned pumpkin year round).

Black Bean & Quinoa Veggie Burgers from Prevention RD: I've been trying to cook vegetarian more often, so this recipe seemed like a good place to start.  We both really liked the flavor- even Bobby, who was very skeptical.  Instead of a chipotle I used some chili powder.  The yogurt sauce is excellent too.  They're very filling, so we froze the patties that we didn't eat for a future dinner.  

Banana Banana Bread from Amandeleine: Way too often I'm guilty of letting bananas get too ripe on the counter before we eat them.  When this happens I just throw them in the freezer (peel on) to save for future banana bread making. This has become my go-to recipe.  It's super moist and actually tastes better after a few days.  The recipes calls for six bananas, but I often use five and it turns out fine.  

What new recipes have you been trying? Any good ones that you would recommend?


  1. Hi! I found your blog via the Decor & the Dog link party. Here's a recipe we just made that was really good (and healthy): (found via good ol' Pinterest of course). I did it without the cheese because the sweet potatoes hold it together really well and it makes a lot of leftovers! I look forward to seeing more of what you post up. Cheers - CT

  2. Hi CT- thanks for stopping by! I love new recipes ideas, so keep 'em coming! :)

  3. Hi! Hi! I came here via way of Decor and the Dog :)

    Thanks for the awesome recipe suggestions - I'm always looking for more ideas to add to my recipe binder....somehow it's overflowing and my fridge is still empty. Not sure what's going on there ;) One of my current favourite recipes is Primal Meatloaf, not quite vegetarian...but chock full of veggies and no yucky extras. I make two at a time, slice and freeze. In my household I'm lucky if that lasts in the freezer for a week before it gets gobbled up!

    But I am really curious about the black bean and Quinoa Veggie Burgers; those look amazing. How well did they keep in the freezer?

  4. Hi Mac- thanks for the suggestion! My husband likes making meatloaf so I will send this his way.

    We haven't eaten the frozen veggie burgers yet, but I'm hopeful they will still be as good!


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