Apr 11, 2013

Outdoor To-Do List

I don't know about you, but I am SO happy for the warmer weather we've been having recently. At one point I was pretty sure Indiana was never going to see sunshine or temperatures above 40 degrees ever again.

This nice weather has me thinking about all of our outside projects.  So here is our outdoor to-do list, as of today.  My hope is that most of this gets accomplished in 2013, but we all know how that goes.  I'll post progress pictures as we chip away at the list.

1. Stain the deck a dark brown. It's a light natural wood right now.
2. Stain the concrete steps in the back. Maybe gray?
3. Paint the front porch area and trim around the windows (cream?). Right now our house is an olive green color, and the front porch columns and trim are a slightly lighter shade of green. There's not much contrast in the colors, so the really pretty detail work is lost.
4. Paint the front and/or back door a fun color.  Maybe navy?
5. Remove the front screen door. It's ugly and we never really leave the front door open anyway.
6. Fix the broke basketball hoop. Right now we have just a post, with no backboard or hoop. Bobby would like to change that, so he can get his Cody Zeller-on.
7. Do some landscaping and plant flowers. Since we moved in in August we don't know what will bloom this spring, so I want to wait and see before we do anything. I do know there are peony bushes in the backyard, and I can't wait to see them in full bloom!
8.  Work on decorating the back deck area. We already have furniture, but I'd like to get some more planters, lanterns, and maybe bistro lights.  We'll be setting up the deck furniture this weekend, so prepare for a post on that in the near future.
9.  Get a rain barrel. Maybe a compost bin?
10. Plant an herb garden.  We have a little planter left by the previous owner.  I just need to fill it!

That's all I can think of for now, but I think it's enough to keep us busy well into the summer!  What about you guys? Any big outdoor to-do lists?

I'll leave you with a few inspiration pictures!




  1. i know how you feel. southern illinois just kept getting that winter weather...pretty sure the groundhog lied!

  2. And this morning of course it's back in the 30's! Grrr.

  3. Your warm weather to-do list sounds a lot like mine! We really need to get started on our garden, paint our porches and trim and I have plans to paint our doors plum. Good luck with everything! :)

    Oh and I'm visiting from Decor and the Dog!

  4. I totally want a rain barrel. It's such an awesome, hippie thing to do. The husband totally isn't on board. Good luck with the plans!!

  5. I agree Michelle! I'm a wanna be hippie (who frequents JCrew). My husband is OK with the rain barrel, but will probably draw the line at a compost bin!


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