
Apr 26, 2013

Deals and Steals

This past weekend my sister-in-law Christie and I took a trip to Midland Arts & Antiques Market.  If you live in Indy and have never been- go! It's a great, huge antique mall with all sorts of treasures.  I do think many of their booths are a bit more expensive than other antique malls out there, but they have a lot of quality pieces, including a lot of beautiful furniture. Source We went to Midland with no particular purpose in mind, other than the fact that I've been itching for a new furniture-painting project. ...
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Apr 21, 2013

Getting the Deck Summer-Ready

Now that the warm weather looks like it's here to stay (although I probably just jinxed it), we thought it would be a good time to drag out our deck furniture. Here's what the deck looked like all winter: Pretty sad and lonely. We got our deck furniture at the end of summer last year. This is a great time to buy since prices are seriously reduced as fall approaches. After a lot of research and debate we got a loveseat, chair, and table from the Target Threshold Belvedere Wicker set, seen here. Source   Because...
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Apr 11, 2013

Outdoor To-Do List

I don't know about you, but I am SO happy for the warmer weather we've been having recently. At one point I was pretty sure Indiana was never going to see sunshine or temperatures above 40 degrees ever again. This nice weather has me thinking about all of our outside projects.  So here is our outdoor to-do list, as of today.  My hope is that most of this gets accomplished in 2013, but we all know how that goes.  I'll post progress pictures as we chip away at the list. 1. Stain the deck a dark brown. It's a light...
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Mar 26, 2013

Recipe Round-Up, March 2013

So far this blog has been all home renovation and not much else.  But in addition to painting and decorating, I love to cook in my free time. Bobby and I take turns cooking dinner most nights of the week. I recently added all my favorite recipes to a Google Drive folder, which makes organizing and accessing them much easier.  (Let me know if you'd like me to share the folder with you!) Pinterest has definitely helped me expand my cooking and baking horizons, so I wanted to share a few of our recent favorites! Asian Slaw...
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Mar 22, 2013

Project: Pantry

File this one under "nothing groundbreaking, but totally necessary".  (You have a file for that, right?)  I'm talking about pantry organizing.  Our kitchen has two pantries- one is fairly small and the other I would call medium sized.  It holds a lot, but it's not like some of those beautiful walk-in pantries you've seen on Pinterest.  Case in point: Source Source Source Can you even imagine?  I would just take my book in there and relax among the organized canned goods. Here are the two pantry-types...
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Mar 15, 2013

Totally Floored (AKA Half-Bath Makeover, Part 3)

(You can read part 1 here and part 2 here). At this point in our half-bath makeover I was feeling pretty darn good.  In a little over two days we had transformed our tiny boring beige bathroom (say that five times fast) into a fun striped room with plenty of style. However at that point it also become painfully obvious that the old laminate flooring was not working.  Before the makeover the floor just blended in with the beige walls, making it barely noticeable.  But since I painted the trim bright white, along with white...
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Mar 11, 2013

Get Your Fix!

Ok, I know I said I was going to write next about our new half-bath floor and post some final “after” pictures, but I lied.  I hope you will forgive me, because I have something really fun and non-home related to write about first.  Bathroom info will come later this week!   So have you heard about Stitch Fix? It’s basically an online personally shopping experience.  You fill out an online survey listing your age, height, weight, body shape normal clothing sizes, etc.  Then you answer a lot of questions about...
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