Mar 11, 2013

Get Your Fix!

Ok, I know I said I was going to write next about our new half-bath floor and post some final “after” pictures, but I lied.  I hope you will forgive me, because I have something really fun and non-home related to write about first.  Bathroom info will come later this week!
So have you heard about Stitch Fix? It’s basically an online personally shopping experience.  You fill out an online survey listing your age, height, weight, body shape normal clothing sizes, etc.  Then you answer a lot of questions about your style and the types of clothes you normally wear.  So you tell them what you do for a living, what you wear to work, how often you wear casual/professional/date night/fancy outfits.  They also show you collections of pictures and you indicate if you love/like most/like some/dislike the pieces.  The questions help you narrow down your style profile.  Mine is a combination of classic, preppy, and casual.  You also tell them what types of jewelry you wear, what colors/prints/fabric you like or don’t like.  There is a section for comments or to request certain pieces.  Finally, you can share your social media sites with them to give them a better sense of your style.  I share my Pinterest StyleBoard so they could see the types of outfits I am drawn to. Based on all that information they send you five items on a date you choose. 

I got my first fix this past weekend, and I loved it! They seriously nailed my style.  I am keeping three of the pieces, although honestly I liked all five.  Ready for my fashion show?

My favorite! Definitely a keeper. (I actually wore it to work today).

Great casual top.  Keeper #2.

Love the style, but I don't think it's very flattering on me. Brady agrees. Returning.

  Like it, but didn't love it.  It's going back. (The belt is mine, from LOFT).

 This is so "me".  I love stripes (example numero uno) and cardigans.  I think it looks even better unbuttoned.  Here's another picture:

 Don't worry, I don't plan on wearing those patterns together.

So here are more details about how it works:
-When they ship your fix you are charged a $20 styling fee.  If you keep something that $20 gets credited to your purchase.  If you keep nothing you lose the $20. That is the only real risk.
-They send you a prepaid envelope to mail back anything you don’t want.  You have three days to do this.
-If you keep all five things you get 25% off your whole purchase.
-You get to set a price range for different clothing categories (As cheap as possible, $50-100, $100-$150, unlimited, etc.) and Stitch Fix will do their best to accommodate your request.  I believe they say their average piece is $75.  Four out of my five pieces were $78 or less.  Admittedly, this is more than I normally spend on clothes.  However I am trying to start buying more “investment pieces”, rather than always getting cheap things that last a season or two, so I’m OK with it.
-You can schedule a fix as often as once a month, or just occasionally when you want one.  There is no obligation or sign-up fee.
-There is a waitlist.  I think I waited about three weeks after signing up before I got my first fix.

I am not being paid or perked to write this post, I just had a great experience with Stitch Fix and I highly recommend them! But here’s where I will ask a favor of you, lovely reader J If you’re going to sign up, will you please do so through my referral code? I will get $25 credit if you do.  Then you’ll get your own referral code that you can send to your friends.  Thanks! Click here to sign up with my referral link!


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